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Presentation Zone




A Premier Stage for Cutting-Edge Products, Design Trends, and Market Insights


Presentation Zone serves as a dedicated stage for exhibitors to showcase their latest and most exceptional products, share emerging design trends, and provide invaluable insights into market intelligence.




19 June

  1. Speakers: 

    Shu Cui, Founder, CUN DESIGN SPACE

    Hihope Zhu, Lead Architect, Archihope Ltd.

    You Zhou, Founder, Zhou You Update Studio

    Jianjun Wang, Associate Dean and Associate Professor, International Education College and ENDA Joint Institute, China Academy of Art

    Qianman Wu, Senior Partner of Zhongju Culture, Executive General Manager of Sina Home Furnishing

  2. WGSN S/S 25 Global Colour Forecast aligns with WGSN's STEPIC framework, which analyses trends in Society, Technology, the Environment, Politics, Industry and Creativity. This season's colours reflect a greater shift towards strategic imagination, where the ability to envision new and outside-the-box ideas will be crucial to solving the problems arising from a continued period of disruption, volatility and uncertainty.


    Tiffany Zhang, WGSN Trend Consultant

  3. In the upcoming year of 2025, home technology is poised for a significant transformation with the explosion of AI. Moving beyond mere smartness, it is transitioning towards full AI integration. The design principles and approaches in home appliance technology are shifting from a focus on functionality to a focus on emotion. This content will explore this shift through macro factors, using examples from AI Smart Homes, Health Assistants, and Diverse Lifestyles to illustrate the latest developments and emerging ways of living.


    Elio Wang, WGSN Trend Consultant

  4. The 2024 REDMO Design Award is a residential design award jointly initiated by FOTILE and FotileStyle, committed to creating the most authoritative, fair, and influential interior design award in China. The REDMO Design Award aims to "discover the beauty of China" and brings together numerous outstanding designers, artists, and scholars around the world to collectively study contemporary residential design aesthetics, internalizing and externalizing the beauty of China.


    Liming Sun, Vice President of Fotile Group, Fotile

    Jun Wang, Chief Operating Officer of the REDMO DESIGN AWARD and Director of Fotile Happiness Home Departmen, Fotile

    Jingyu Guo, The head of brand and marketing department of FotileStyle, Fotile

    Yongqi Lou, Vice President of Tongji University, Tongji University

    Yongzhong Lv, Chairman of Lv yongzhong Associates; Founder and Chief Designer of BANMOO

    Aldo Cibic, Founder, Cibic Workshop

    Jianguo Liang, Founder, Manufacturing-China

    Yi Gu, Architect, not a studio architect design and research ltd 

  5. Speaker: 

    Shuyang Wang, Innovation Consulting Director in China, NellyRodi Paris

20 June

  1. Speakers: 

    Annika Jokinen, Teknos Oy, Commercial Manager

  2. Moderator: Lv Min, Chief Editor of IDEAT China


    Frank Chou, Founder of Frank Chou Design Studio, Product Designer, Curator

    Christina Luk, Founder & Director of LUKSTUDIO

  3. Keynote Speech:

    David Bentham, Head of Design, WB & SDA, Electrolux Group 

    Panel Discussion:

    Moderator: Lei Ji, Senior Design Lead Shanghai, WB&SDA, Electrolux Group


    Sarah Schaefer, VP Sustainability, Europe & APMEA, Electrolux Group

    Ting Han, Professor, College of Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University

    Miaosen Gong, Associate Professor, College of Design, Jiangnan University

  4. Speakers: 

    Mrs. Silvia Inacio, Consul General of Portugal in Shanghai 

    Mr. Luis Costa, Commercial Counselor of the Consulate General of Portugal

    Bin Wu, General Manager of Abyss & Habidecor China

    Celine CHO, Editor-in-Chief of LIFENESS

    Ruofan Shen, Renowned Architect


21 June

  1. Speakers:

    Jason Bai, Founder and producer of MEFine

    Shea Xue, Partner of ZOO Architects, Founder of Bee Studio Children's Architecture Workshop

    Bin Wu, Founder of Tree Studio Design Studio and Co-founder of JieXianZhiJian Design Office

    Ula Zhang, Founder of Degree of Freedom Space design

    Tommaso Zhang, Natural Eclecticism Designer, Founder of hT Studio

  2. Compared with the previous generation, today's women have more time to think about the kind of lifestyle they want. With the raising of woman-themed trends, brands have an opportunity to build on this momentum for women of all ages. WGSN will discuss topics such as individual growth, emotion glimmers, technology for woman and travelling, providing global trend insights to help you understand consumer behaviour and lifestyles of new women.


    Wen Yue, WGSN Trend Consultant

  3. Interiors & Lifestyle Forecast S/S 25 takes the profiles identified in the Future Consumer 2025 forecast. It analyses the product opportunities and engagement strategies that will resonate with these consumers for the interior industry. Outline the values that will appeal to them and the product categories that will be relevant.


    Ruby Lin, WGSN Trend Consultant

  4. Speakers:

    Hong Ye, Honorary Chairman of CIID (Beijing) Interior Architecture Design Exchange Center, Honorary Director of CIID Brand Management Center

    Jing Yuan, Editorial Director of China Interior Designer Industry Insight White Paper, Deputy  Deputy Director of External Development Department, CIID

    Qiuping Zhao, Creative Director of Echo (Shanghai) Architectural Design Co.,LTD, Self-Media

    CiCi Xu, Design Director of C-Design, Home Art Blogger

    Yang Chen, Design Director of Fu Jian Between Design 

    Yilai Li, Founder of Huerne Interior Design, Founder of IMO Soft Design

    Lingjiao Xu, Design Director of Yuyao JiYan Design, Registered Senior Interior Designer

    Zhengquan Shen, Director of Nanjing Ao.Interior Design Firm

    Wei Zhang, Founder of Zone Design Office, Deputy Secretry General of  CIID (Ningbo) Interior Architecture Design Exchange Center

    Jiang Su, Design Director of HB Design Interior Landscape Furniture, Co-Editor-in-Chief of  Design and Life



  5. Speaker:

    Belle Wu, Dulux senior colour manager

22 June

  1. 1100-1120: Keynote Speech: Market Trends And Possible Paths of Small Luxury Hotels In China

    Speaker: Lucky Chan, President, Canbeauty Hotel Group's China

    1120-1200: Panel Discussion: Is the Outlet For An Oriental Destination Vacation? Strategic Layout And Guest Satisfaction

    Moderator: Melody Qu, Organizer of Liwuli


    Blair Chen, Founder, Putike 

    Janet Bao, China Development Director, SLH Small Luxury Hotels of the World  

    Zhaohui Tang, Founder,  Readfine 

    Zhu Cao, Vice President of Ctrip Rezen Group, CEO of High-end Brand Business Unit

  2. Keynote Speech: Italian Luxury Innovation: Exploring Diverse Styles in Multi-Functional Bar Design 

    Speaker: Edoardo Petri, L'IDeA Living Co-Founder, Design Director, Architect

    Keynote Speech: Crossing New Borders: Transborder Studio's Decade of Transformative Design 

    Speaker: Øystein Rø, Transborder Studio Co-Founder, Design Director

    Keynote Speech: Back to the Future: Krohnark’s Practice and Foresight of Urban Destinations 

    Speaker: Chang Lyu, Krohnark AS partner of China Office, Interior Architect