Formica® is a multinational company controlled by a European materials group, which offers a complete range of surface decorative products High Pressure Laminate, FORMICA CORA™, Formica® Compact®, ColorCore®, Custom Graphics™ and FRguard®+), premium decorative products (DECOMETAL® and FENIX®) and a range of functional product CHguard®. Formica® is one of the preference brands selected by professional architectural and interior designers all over the world. Formica® owns manufacturing bases worldwide. Major bases in Asia are located in Shanghai (China), Jiujiang (China), Taiwan (China), Bangkok (Thailand) and Ahmedabad (India).Formica® products are widely used in commercial and residential space. In the commercial fields include office, retail, hotels, medical care, transportation, education and scientific research etc; In residential space, from kitchen cabinet, bathroom cabinet to whole house customization, you can find Formica® everywhere in your home.