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DesignWanted was established in 2015 by Patrick Abbattista, with a mission to equip Product and Industrial Designers with the resources and knowledge necessary to contribute to humanity's sustainable and conscious progress. As a digital media company headquartered in Milan, the capital of Design, we are a one-stop destination for professionals, students, and the curious. 

We provide our audience with daily doses of fresh content, insights, projects, and reports that encompass everything taking place in the world of design. Our goal is to seek out inspiring stories from emerging talents and seasoned professionals and to feature their thoughts in our interviews, enabling us to stay at the forefront of the industry. 

To achieve this, we are constantly on the move, exploring new locations and partnering with leading design events around the world to bring you the best of local scenes. We keep an eye on trends and scour even the most remote corners of the web as part of our daily routine.




