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Dr. Christine Bruckner FAIA

Dr. Christine Bruckner FAIA

Director, M Moser Associates
Christine is an architect actively implementing best practice, sustainability, and wellness in design. As a Director at M Moser Associates, she brings her experience with urban integration, revitalisation, and design excellence to guide the development of our built environment at all scales. Her focus is working with client and community stakeholders to encourage deep dive investigation, coordination and holistic life-cycle considerations. Christine leads M Moser’s global integrative sustainable and wellness design solution initiatives and is passionate that architectural solutions be: Relentless in the design of spaces that heal, inspire, and empower. Inclusive in the engagement of all stakeholders to create life-affirming, creativity-provoking, healthy places for people. Responsible to create equitable, vibrant, safe communities that touch lightly on our shared planet.
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3 - 6 June 2021

Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center

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