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Design Shanghai @Xintiandi Design Festival 2024 Installations


ü by DU Studio, Fusion Ground Studio

ü by DU Studio, Fusion Ground Studio
The concept of the artwork is named U (you), with the two dots above resembling eyes, symbolizing the moons in our installation, through which you can discover a deeper aspect of yourself. In the visual language of the installation, there are a total of 8 moons with varying heights. The installation consists of 8 mirrored panels, with 4 of them featuring screens displaying models wearing the jewelry. The other four panels are places where participants can try on the jewelry themselves. By trying on this mysterious jewelry, you can capture a different version of yourself. Then, by pressing the button on the half-moon mirror, the sound device inside the mirror will provide insights into your past lives based on the current moon phase and the time of trying on the jewelry. The mirrored floor enhances the sense of illusion. Then, by taking photos and uploading them to their Little Red Book account, the influencer gathers all the audience's uploaded photos. In the future, there could be a popularity contest to select the most unique you. At the same time, each uploaded audience member will receive a life code.