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Design Shanghai @Xintiandi Design Festival 2024 Installations


The Massages In Flowers by JZFZ

The Massages In Flowers by JZFZ
Today's fast-paced and high-intensity lifestyles fill our time with exhaustion and busyness. How long has it been since you sent a greeting to the person closest to you as you push on? We hope to use flowers as a medium to encourage people to send greetings to those around them in the busy and indifferent urban life. Our art event contains two phases: The first phase is called Plug-in City, where we use everyday pools and flowers to dramatically present a pink dream garden in a reinforced concrete city. The second phase is called Plug-in Individual Life. Visitors are also participants. Each visitor can take away a flower and give it to his/her partners, parents or mentors. A flower, brings a smile, a greeting, a hug,and a warmth. Therefore, the interactive behavior of visitors is also a very important part of the exhibition. Behind every flower, there may start a warm story. The shinny starry light warms the city.