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Design China Beijing Show News



Create Cures invited designers from all around the world to share solutions for public health problems

Create Cures invited designers from all around the world to share solutions for public health problems
Selected Participants of Create Cures

Initiated by designers Frank Chou and Chen Min at the early outbreak of COVID-19, Create Cures invited designers from all around the world to share solutions for public health problems. There will be a physical space at Design China Beijing to present the interview videos of each participating designer. A selection of Create Cures prototypes will be displayed such as the Elbow Sock by Raw Color and a 1-metre long stick by Simon Kämpfer. Visitors are encouraged to experiment and interact with these pieces on site. This interactive presentation is intended to simulate how we communicate with each other under dire circumstances and rebuild an optimistic spirit for the community. The Create Cures designers will be presenting their work on the Design China Beijing Forum stage on Thursday 24 September at 11:00am.
