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Burgeree:Listening To More Beautiful Life

Burgeree:Listening To More Beautiful Life


Burgeree brings many acoustic products in "Design China Beijing" 2021, booth No.: C17




Burgeree-focuses on the R&D, design, manufacturing and sales of acoustic materials


Burgeree PET Acoustic Materials


The current usable energy on the earth presents the trend of gradual decline, especially in the concept of sustainable development today, to promote the sustainable utilization of resources on the earth, will break the traditional development thinking, and the application of PET recycled materials reflects the thinking, the use of PET recycled materials, truly renewable recycling, which is also marks the typical representative of Chinese environmental protection thinking into practice.



Burgeree New Tech Jiangsu Co.,Ltd.,established in 2007 is located in the neighborhood of Yangchen Lake Scenic Spot, covering an area of 25000 square meters.

Burgeree has been committed to R & D,manufacturing and sales of building acoustic materials.

In the traditional architectural decoration industry the products have been widely used in cinema,auditorium, meeting room, gymnasium, audiovisual room and etc.Relying on professional team and advanced product technology, Burgeree has successfully completed Beijing Olympic shooting hall, taekowndo gymnasium, Shanghai World Expo 4 venues, the Central Conservatory of Music and other major projects.In the recent years,with the vigorous development of domestic film market.

Burgeree has researched sound-absorbing products aimed at the construction of movie theaters and stadiums, forming partnerships with China Film Group Corporation, CGV Group of South Korea's CJ Corporation, Golden Harvest Cinema, Bona Film Group, Shanghai Film Group, Pacific Cinema Line,Jinyi Cinema and etc. Burgeree provides one-stop service for more than 200 cinemas yearly.including acoustic and interior design, construction process design as well as the acoustic products supplier.

Burgeree has long been undertaking the responsibility of protecting the enrvironment and has become the strategic partner of large architectural decoration and design companies such as Gold Mantis Construction Decoration. While its products have been entered into product library by Google Huawei and other well-known domestic and overseas enterprises. Designated brand as Sound absorbing material.

In the field of office fumiture Burgeree is a breakthrough in the use of traditional panel and collaborates with world largest office furniture company Steelcase.

“Pay attention to environmental protection.Pay attention to the environment" .Setting off a new wave in the office furniture industry,Burgeree has achieved cooperation with a number of overseas and domestic well-known office furniture enterprises.



01. Burgeree PET Acoustic Materials

The current usable energy on the earth presents the trend of gradual decline, especially in the concept of sustainable development today, to promote the sustainable utilization of resources on the earth, will break the traditional development thinking, and the application of PET recycled materials reflects the thinking, the use of PET recycled materials, truly renewable recycling, which is also marks the typical representative of Chinese environmental protection thinking into practice.


Process of Coke bottle turns into PET Acoustic Panel:




Burgeree PET Acoustic Materials experienced three reforms, in performance and production, Burgeree has been leading the development and innovation of the industry. The product manufacturing process is "pure physical" , does not add any chemicals or discharge waste water or waste gas.



The formaldehyde test of the PET acoustic panel in Burgeree reaches the EO standard and reached the Class A level of the US ASTM-084, passing the Class B test of the European 3501-1. The sound absorption was excellent and tests showed that the noise reduction coefficient (NRC) reached 0.8, reducing the indoor echo by about 80%.

02. Product characteristics

Burgeree products are breathable, fire and heat resistant and has strong durability in any environment. Light weight and simple installation method who can easily contact, at a reasonable price to choose a variety of colors, you can freely conduct interior decoration. Not only that, it can be reused because it is composed of harmless substances. After a long period of research and development, Burgeree has launched excellent durable products that are both practical and environmentally friendly.



03. 完美空间-Burgeree缔造

With the growth of economy, the domestic environment acoustic industry has developed rapidly. More and more professionals have joined in space acoustic design.

When we mention the acoustic materials, people always ask a series of questions: How is sound absorbed?  What kind of material do you use? What is the fire retardant rating?If the material is eco-friendly or not?What is the NRC data?

After people using the acoustic materials, they will ask more:Is this the best performance of sound absorption?Is there any possibility to improve? And how to improve?





Burgeree acoustic products have a wide variety of products, superior sound absorption performance, large selection range.


As the basic panels, Burgeree product is rich and colorful, can apply to any space, won the favour of a lot of designers.



On the basis of the basic panels,Burgeree makes the processing process, so that the raw and plain panel, presenting different artistic modeling, not only sound-absorbing but also decorative, beautiful!



04. Design is aimed at solving the problems

"Design is conception and planning" is the process of problem-solving. Design is not only to create a "delicate" work, but also to the thinking of human society, the connection between people and the essence of human spirit. This is the most essential thing of design, as design must be "more human oriented from beginning to end". Burgeree has always followed this principle, and Burgeree designers always believe in: the reality is the insight of the work into modern society, the creation is the vision of the future,glamour is the imagination of rich life culture, ethics is the work's ability to think about society and the environment.






Ten years of sincerity and ingenuity

Burgeree experienced 15 years of precipitation and accumulation, we are ready to go!

Let's look forward to "Design China Beijing" 2021,

September 24-27,

We will wait for you at booth C17!

We will see you there!
